Teknoware offers several options for monitoring addressable centrally supplied luminaires and Central battery unit. A central monitoring system monitors all individual components of an emergency lighting system and gathers all collected information in a single location, making the monitoring of the system fast and easy. The system also records data about performed tests.

Teknoware provides options of Web based Advanced Central monitoring through TCP/IP. This enables monitoring the state of a central battery system via the internet. WebACM indicates test log information, the option to run emergency light and battery tests remotely, and adds a map view to the system, which makes locating the luminaires easy and fast. WebACM is a user-based software with several user levels for locations where there might be several people using the system.

Teknoware Advanced Central Monitoring system (ACM) uses a separate network for addressable (Tapsa Control compatible) central battery units. ACM contains a map view and a variety of options and functions for monitoring both central battery units and emergency/exit lights.


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